Bird Guano Removal

Clearing up the outside of your building isn't pleasant at the
best of times, and the cleaning up of bird droppings is among the
worst of them. Small areas of wet pigeon droppings in external
areas require no more than a brush, disinfectant and some elbow
grease, as it is only well dried pigeon droppings that can cause
health issues.
However, where the scale of the problem is beyond the capability
of an individual, a specialist cleaning company would be the only
option. Indeed, it is recommended as so by the Pigeon Control
Resource Centre. Once the scale of the pigeon guano problem
is increased, or where the problem is mainly dried bird droppings,
then the serious risk of disease is increased, and it becomes
imperative that the correct personal protection equipment is worn
to protect against dust particles and airborne fungus spores;
equipment includes an approved respirator, one that covers your
nose and mouth, sealed eye protection, gloves, as well as all areas
of skin covered.
Stronghold Preservation operate a full service: bird guano
removal, bird control design service and